Toyota's forthcoming vehicles will harness the power of RoboSense LiDAR

RoboSense partners with Toyota to incorporate advanced LiDAR technology into multiple models, driving LiDAR adoption in the automotive industry.

James Davis
RoboSense, a renowned provider of Smart LiDAR Sensor Systems, has officially joined forces with Toyota, the world's top-selling carmaker, in a significant collaboration involving nominated orders for multiple models.

With its advanced technology and expertise in the LiDAR field, RoboSense has become an integrated part of Toyota's supply chain system.

As the global sales leader for three consecutive years since 2020, Toyota sold an impressive 10.5 million vehicles in 2022, securing the title of "Best-Selling Automaker."

Toyota has been actively involved in localized production and partnerships with domestic auto brands in China, such as FAW, GAC, and BYD. By collaborating deeply with RoboSense, Toyota aims to enhance its popular FAW Toyota models and ensure precise perception capabilities.

RoboSense will equip Toyota models with their RS-LiDAR-M series LiDAR, also known as the "M-series," to bolster driving safety and facilitate the series production and widespread implementation of LiDAR in the automotive industry.

The M-series, an automotive-grade product from RoboSense, stands out as the world's only second-generation smart solid-state LiDAR designed for series production.

It features a revolutionary chip-based 2D scanning solution, delivering exceptional performance and reliability. With over 50 nominated orders from nearly 20 car companies, including Toyota, the M-series is anticipated to exceed 10 million units in order volume.

Toyota's longstanding reputation for crafting durable, stable, and reliable vehicles, combined with RoboSense's extensive CNAS-accredited lab and leading production and intelligent manufacturing system, ensures compliance with Toyota's stringent quality and large-scale production requirements.

Prior to this collaboration, RoboSense had already formed a partnership with BYD, a renowned pioneer in new energy vehicles, encompassing various models.

By establishing a deep alliance with both Toyota and BYD, RoboSense has cemented its position as a leader in the global LiDAR market, serving as an integral part of the supply chain system for these two world-leading car brands simultaneously.

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